Bacon Fast


Yep, I said it.  Bacon fast!!!  Im doing a bacon fast this week, starting today, Monday, February 19, 2018.  I’ve done a 3 day bacon fast in the past but this time I am doing a 5 day bacon fast.  The idea all started with my friend Teresa (@ketophoria) who started a Zero Carb Challenge on Instagram #ketophoriazcc.


Essentially the Zero Carb Challenge is to try to keep your carbs as low as possible for 5 days.  So you are mostly consuming meat, eggs and some cheese.  These types of challenges are fun because you get to do them with a bunch of people, you are put into groups and everyone shares their pics, recipes and ideas/challenges.  It’s a lot of fun and it’s a great way to meat ….oops!  meet 🙂 like minded people.

There is a lot of benefits to eating a carnivore (zerocarb) diet which you can easily google and read until your hearts content.  I am only doing this for 5 days because who wouldn’t want to eat bacon for 5 days?  Seriously though, I have tried to eat a “meat only” diet for a month and although I enjoyed eating only meat, I also felt really good but I found that it didn’t make a huge difference in my weight loss than from eating a keto diet mixed with meat and veggies.

So I will report back at the end of this week to let you know how I did.  Feel free to follow me on instagram if you want to see what I am up to – @ihackeddiabetes

Until then…..


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